The adjective “introinfospheral” indicates that a process, a phenomenon or an object is of a cross-spherical nature and is directed from the outside inwards in relation to the infosphere.

The term “introinfospheral” is the antonym to “extroinfospheral”.

The term “introinfospheral” was coined as part of the terminology of the “Digital Era Framework”. Among other things, the “Digital Era Framework” serves as a reference framework for systematizing the forms which information manifests itself. Four spheres are differentiated: The infosphere, which consists of the analog infosphere and the digital infosphere, the cognisphere and the entisphere. When one of these spheres is considered, the adjective “introspheral” signals that something is directed from the outside inwards in relation to this sphere.

How to Cite

The definition given above was proposed as part of the Digital Era Framework by Dr. Dr. Jörn Lengsfeld. The text was first published in: Jörn Lengsfeld: Digital Era Framework. Please refer to the original publication if you want to cite the text.