The term “digital infosphere” refers to the idea of an all-encompassing set of digitally encoded information contained in digital media that spans the world as it were a global shell.
The “digital infosphere” is the entirety of digitally encoded information captured in digital media. “Digisphere” is synonymous with the “digital infosphere”.
The term “digital infosphere” is of central importance in the “Digital Era Framework” and describes one of the four spheres in which information manifests itself. The “digisphere” is part of the “infosphere” next to the “analog infosphere” and is to be distinguished from the entisphere and the cognisphere.
Any form of affiliation to the digital infosphere can be expressed with the adjective “digispheral”. A process that runs completely within the digital infosphere can be described as “intradigispheral” or “endodigital”. The adjectives “extradigispheral” or “exodigital”, on the other hand, indicate that a process takes place outside the digital infosphere. An interspheral process that begins or ends in the digital infosphere takes an “extrodigispheral” or “introdigispheral” course. If the beginning and end of it lie outside the digital infosphere, it is “transdigispheral”.